Duo Survival

Duo Survival is a two-player platform game that requires cooperation between two players to survive in a zombie-infested city. With the backdrop of the city in ruins, almost everyone has turned into zombies, how will you survive? Cooperate with each other to collect gear icons and go to the exit together in each level. Why is that? Because in the levels there are many gates that need to be opened from a distance, so players are forced to cooperate to complete the mission together.

Take note of the characteristics of each character to apply them appropriately, for example, the man can break stone walls with his weapon while the woman can throw glass bottles to push the joystick. Follow the visual notifications from the system to pass each level, through which you can apply them to the following levels.

How To Play

The man: arrow keys - move, down arrow - break the stone

The young girl: WAD - move, S - throw the bottle

They can carry each other or jump on the wooden box to go higher

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