Planet Takeover

Planet Takeover is a strategy game based on the invasion of planets in the Solar System. Use reasonable tactics to turn all the opponent planets into your planet. The color of your planet is blue, the opponent's planets are green, red, yellow. Unoccupied planets are light gray. Occupying gray planets is much easier than attacking opponent planets. To win, players need to determine a reasonable strategy, attack planets with high chances of winning and then join forces to sweep away opponents. When the player occupies all the surrounding planets as their own, that level will be completed. However, if unfortunately your planet disappears, it means you will have to start over and find another more feasible plan.

If you are a new player and do not know how to start. Remember that below each opponent there will be a number that represents the number of spaceships. If your number of spaceships is greater than your opponent's number of spaceships, the planet will be yours and vice versa. Making the optimal strategy is extremely important in Planet Takeover. Players must quickly and clearly determine which planet to attack first, it can be an important step in determining whether you win or lose.

How To Play

  • Click your mouse can drag it to the planet you want to take over
  • You can break a connection just by dragging your finger over it
  • Also, enemy planets can attack other planets as well
  • You cannot make a connection crossing the walls or over any planets in middle
  • The Ringed planet double-damages the opponents

Advantages in Planet Takeover

  • x2: Sends a single spaceship with double power whether for attack or to heal
  • Freeze: Freezes all the opponents and makes them unable to send troops for 5 secs
  • Clock: In 3 seconds, you and your allies will send troops faster than your opponents

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