Vampire Survivors

Vampire Survivors is a fierce dark battle between a hero character and hundreds of vampire monsters. Increase your character's fighting power by leveling up achievements. Meanwhile, more and more monsters will appear and come towards you. Players need to move continuously to avoid enemy attacks, you can lose your life if you touch any enemy. If your strength is damaged, collect chicken thigh icons to fill up your blood and continue this survival journey. Good luck!

Character Selection

Antonio Belpaese

  • Starting Weapon: Whip
  • Starting Stats:
    • Health: 100
    • Speed: 0.1
  • Passive Bonus: +10% Whip damage per level

Imelda Belpaese

  • Starting Weapon: Magic Wand
  • Starting Stats:
    • Health: 100
    • Speed: 0.1
  • Passive Bonus: +5% Experience gain

Pasqualina Belpaese

  • Starting Weapon: Runetracer
  • Starting Stats:
    • Health: 100
    • Speed: 0.1
  • Passive Bonus: +10% Damage for Runetracer

Gennaro Belpaese

  • Starting Weapon: Cross
  • Starting Stats:
    • Health: 100
    • Speed: 0.1
  • Passive Bonus: +1 Cross Projectile

Arca Ladonna

  • Starting Weapon: Fire Wand
  • Starting Stats:
    • Health: 100
    • Speed: 0.1
  • Passive Bonus: +10% Fire Wand damage

Claudia Belpaese

  • Starting Weapon: Knife
  • Starting Stats:
    • Health: 100
    • Speed: 0.1
  • Passive Bonus: +10% Knife damage

Stage Selection

Mad Forest - Stage 1

Once a thriving haven, now a dumping ground for evil. A vampire is said to be the root of this evil, but we can find only mayhem and roast chicken.

Inlaid Library - Stage 2

The Futile Scribe was cursed to know all and understand nothing. His endless library may give us insight... or damnation. A mask of stone whispers endlessly within.

Dairy Plant - Stage 3

The birthplace of Milk Magic churns with chaos. Here, it's not just blood that curdles. A secret map awaits the hero brave enough to enter this overthrown factory.

Gallo Tower - Stage 4

An edifice of science and sorcery where horror was made manifest in the name of progress. Its many artifacts

Some Achievements in Vampire Survivors

  • Santa Water - Generates damaging zones
  • Magic Wand - Fires at the nearest enemy
  • King Bible - Orbits around the character
  • Whip - Fires 1 more projectile
  • Spinach - Raises inflicted damage by 10%
  • Laurel - Shields from damage when active
  • Amor - Reduces incoming damage by 1
  • Axe - High damage but takes time to grow effective
  • Knife - Fires quickly in the faced direction
  • Runetracer - Passes through enemies, bounces around
  • Lightning Ring - Strikes at random enemies
  • Fire Wand - Fires at a random enemy, deals heavy damages
  • Pummarola - Character recovers 0.2 HP per second
  • Spellbinder - Increases duration of weapon effects by 10%
  • Garlic - Damages nearby enemies. Reduces resistance to knockback and freeze
  • Bracer - Increases projectile speed by 10%
  • Wings - Character moves 10% faster
  • Cross - Base Damage up by 10

How To Play

Click, Hold and Move your mouse to control character’s movements

Level Up and earn more Achievements to power up

Tips and Tricks to win

  • Understand your weapons and their effects
  • Prioritize high-attack achievements
  • Choose your character wisely to win
  • Keep moving to avoid attacks
  • Prioritize important items for survival, balance attack and defense
  • Plan and strategize your battles properly
  • Keep moving not only to avoid enemy attacks but also to gain temporary power-ups that can turn the tide
  • Be careful with enemy types. Recognize different types of enemies and find their strengths and weaknesses to find ways to destroy them

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