Vapor Trails

Enter the future world with Vapor Trails and explore the interesting things in the underground laboratory with the main character. The game's setting is a laboratory that creates a clone and they will test the abilities that this woman can do one last time. Control your character to explore the nooks and crannies of the laboratory and enjoy the moments of breaking the game's limits.

  • Lab Name: Paradise Labs
  • Model Number: Prismatic Model X-404

After completing the test, you will be assigned a formal service moniker and become a protector of Vapor City. Please proceed through the training area.

Notes in Vapor Trails

  • Prismatic waveforms can absorb most blunt subsonic impacts.
  • High-energy disturbances will lower your waveform's integrity, eventually resulting in complete destabilization.
  • Please take care to avoid being no-waved.
  • If your waveform is degraded, you can repair it with this ability chip. Pick it up to use.
  • Break the targets in the next room to continue.
  • Do not divekick the sludge blocks. This falls under the "elective hazards" section of your health insurance exceptions
  • Prismatic waveforms can absorb most blunt subsonic impacts.
  • High-energy disturbances will lower your waveform's integrity, eventually resulting in complete destabilization.
  • Please take care to avoid being no-waved.
  • If your waveform is degraded, you can repair it with this ability chip. Pick it up to use.


  • Regenerate: Tap into your solenoid coils to reforge your body. Auto-regenerate at compute shrines. Hold Shift while standing still to heal.
  • Spectral Autoparry: Spin and deploy a short-lived defensive construct. Autochains into repeated parries to defend against rapid incoming attacks.

How To Play

  • Arrow keys - move
  • Z - punch
  • X - kick
  • C - parry
  • Space - fly

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