Wizard Adventure


How will you, a wizard, defeat a swarm of creatures encircling you in Wizard Adventure? Show initiative and keep moving constantly to evade opponents arriving from several angles. You will have the energy of any creature drained till it runs out if you contact them. Conversely, should you eliminate every monster, you will level up and get fresh abilities. The powers will show at the level's automatically ending point. The game will advance once you have chosen the power you wish. Entering the next level will not instantly cause your energy to regenerate; it will stay at the same level as the previous level until your character is defeated. He will naturally also have the chance to refill it, however it will take some time. It relies on the system; the incentives it presents might or might not incorporate energy recovery.

combat several hundred creatures at once can drain a lot of energy; so, your combat abilities have to be improved with every level. The challenge of the game likewise progressively rises depending on the growing number of monsters and their growing health. Many more challenges to cope with new kinds of monsters will come across you. Boosting your strength is the only way they can be eliminated. Enjoy yourselves!

Powers in Wizard Adventure

  • Shoot an arrow towards a random nearby enemy. Launch an extra arrow per level.
  • Shoot a fireball from the sky, damaging the area around it. Launch an additional fireball per level
  • Spawn a revolving ball around the character that damages enemies on contact. Spawn an additional ball per level
  • Increase player's movement speed
  • Spawn a protective aura, damaging any enemy that comes in contact. Increase the area of effect per level

And so on.

How To Play

  • Use the joystick to move the player
  • Run away from the enemy and killed them
  • Use the joystick to move the player

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