Slime Adventure

Slime Adventure is a highly exploratory and exploratory game of a pretty little slime in a vast magical world. Your goal is to control the slime to collect all the rubies and gems, then go to the place with the star-shaped key to advance to the next level. It sounds really easy but it's actually not as easy as you think. You must be proficient and somewhat careful to regulate mucus. Should the mucus flow too quickly, it will fall. The plane on which it flies is a piece of land hung in the air devoid of any connection. You have four chances overall since, should you crash, your life will be cut by 25% till it hits 0. All you have to do once it's all used is start from the beginning. Get enough diamonds of all hues to finish tasks and explore uncharted territory in this enchanted planet. 


Make sure you understand clearly about Slim Adventure before jumping into the game:

  • Dynamic mechanics perfectly combine platforming and puzzles
  • Ability to transform: as you can see, slime is a mucus, it can change shape flexibly at any time. These changes make the character new and more attractive to players. Below are some of the forms that mucus can take
    • Extended form: allows mucus to reach distant surfaces
    • Metal form: provides protection against certain dangers
    • Bubble form: helps mucus move in the air
  • The plot gives a sense of discovery, it doesn't show all the challenges the mucus needs to overcome. Instead, it's only partially open, and if players want to know more, they have to actually overcome the challenge.


Here, you can change information about video, audio or language whenever you want:

  • Video
    • Resolution
    • Shadows
  • Audio
    • Volumn
  • Language
    • English
    • Russian
    • Turkish

What do you need to keep in mind when playing Slim Adventure?

  • Your mucus moves very quickly, so you should be careful every step of the way to avoid letting it fall from unknown heights.
  • Moving stones will help your mucus move from one area to another. Once on those rocks, stop moving until it takes you to the land you want
  • The slime's life is 100%, each time it drops it will decrease by 25% until it returns to 0%, then you will have to start again from the beginning.
  • Use the diamonds you collect to unlock the next levels
  • The number of diamonds will appear at the top of your screen, it shows how many you need to collect and how many you have collected in that level

How To Play

Use your mouse to control the mucus to collect diamonds

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